How To Stop A Drip When A Tag Is Removed From A Contact

SendX allows you to control your drip sequences, and stop drips based on when a tag gets removed from a user. In this short guide, we will look at stopping a drip when a tag gets removed from a user using automation. 

  • Make sure you have a drip sequence ready. If you need help with that, click here.

  • Create a New Automation by going to Automations from the main menu.

  • Set a name for the automation.

  • Under Trigger, make sure you have SendX selected in the field on the left-hand side, and Tag removed on the right field. 

  • From the drop-down below, select the desired tag name. 

  • Under action, keep SendX as it is on the left field, and select Removed from a Drip from the dropdown. Select the name of the drip you want to unsubscribe the user from. 

  • Click Submit Automation to save this automation. 

And that's it! Now any user who gets disassociated with the selected tag will now be unsubscribed from the drip. 

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