SendX allows you to create automation to truly turn your marketing efforts into auto-pilot mode. Automations are simple rules made up of Triggers and Actions that allow you to do certain activities within SendX.
Some of these activities include:
Starting a drip sequence on successful lead capture.
Addition of a tag on successful lead capture.
Stopping a drip on receiving a reply.
How does an automation work?
An automation typically consists of two set of rules.
The first set of rules called Trigger specifies a specific activity, which on occurring will make a second set of activities happen.
2. The second set of rules is called Action, which is typically the resultant activity you want to make happen on receiving the trigger.
For Whom Does An Automation Work?
Automation is great for business owners and organizations who want to leverage automated marketing campaigns to make sales and keep their audience engaged. You cannot truly scale up an online business without leveraging automation. If you have multiple lists and drip sequences and are making use of tags and segmentations, you will need to use automation to seamlessly connect them.