Create A Segment With LTV

Using Segmentation in SendX, you can quickly separate the people according to their LTV into a separate segment. This allows you to create a separate marketing campaign for them, and push them into a different part of your funnel. Being able to quickly market to customers based on their LTV can make a huge impact on the way you handle your marketing campaigns. 

LTV stands for Life Time Value, which essentially means the number of profits a potential customer can generate for you throughout the lifetime of your relationship with him. 

  • Create a new segment or edit an already existing segment depending on which segment you want to create for LTV.

  • Set a suitable name for the segment and select Life Time Value from the drop-down menu.

  • Type the range of LTVs you want to segment. 

  • Press Submit Segment to save the segment.

That's it! Now all the customers whose LTV is between the two values entered will be segmented. 

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